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 Recreation » Scouting » Organizations » Girl Scouts of the USA » Councils » North Carolina

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Located in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Serving over 16, 000 girls in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. Featuring information about cookie programs, events, alumni, training, and links.


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Contains program information, contacts, events, news and links.


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Located in Charlotte, North Carolina. Serving girls in the Mecklenburg County and Carolina foothills. Featuring information on cookie sales, training, programs for age levels, service projects, news, events, and links.


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Located in Asheville, North Carolina. Serves girls in 15 counties. Features membership information, Camp Pisgah, training programs, shop, and product sales.


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Contains information about the organization, the program, events, opportunities, alumni and Contacts.


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Hickory and surrounding areas, contains program information for girls, adults, and parents, camps, store, and cookie sales, and contacts.


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