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 Recreation » Travel » Specialty Travel » Arts » Spain

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Vancouver, Canada based couple offering workshops, photo and art tours from a converted Andalucian mill. Schedule, accommodation and registration form.


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Located in the village of Benarraba, Spain and run by Marion and Onno Henke. Tuition and demonstrations in oils, water colours, and other media.


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 3 - Arts Exclusive Browse Website open in new window
Cultural stays in Spain, mostly for groups. Museums, history and architecture with related corporate events, including city travel.


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Rome, Italy based guide offering two trips a year to Spain for exploring and learning about its culture and history. Profile, tour details and booking form.


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Vacation workshops at Barx, Spain. List of courses available with instructor information and photographs of the premises and facilities.


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 6 - Old Olive Press Browse Website open in new window
Poetry, painting, photography and walking holidays. Details of the courses, accommodation and location map. Relleu, Alicante.


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