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 Recreation » Travel » Specialty Travel » Boat Charters » Middle East » Turkey » Agents

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Offers a variety of itineraries for crewed luxury sailing and motor yachts along the Mediterranean coast.


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 42 - Flama Tours Browse Website open in new window
Crewed gulet motorsailers for yachting on turquoise coast from Bodrum, Marmaris, Gocek, Fethiye, Antalya. Corporate or personal charters.


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 43 - Charter Turkey Browse Website open in new window
A database for crewed, gulet and bareboat yacht charter, cruising area information and shore services in the Eastern Mediterranean. Includes vessel listings and a search engine.


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 44 - Lale Yachting Browse Website open in new window
Agent pages concerning bareboat sailing in Turkey, information about yachts and sailing areas.


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 45 - Avrupa Yachting Browse Website open in new window
Fehiye based agency offering a selection of crewed yachts and cabin charter. Vessel listings, videos, booking and contact details.


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 46 - Gulet Show Browse Website open in new window
Yachting company based in Marmaris for brokerage and yacht charter with traditional boats in Turkey. Information about company, gulets, maps and routes, life on board, and reservation form.


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 47 - Orpel Travel Browse Website open in new window
Owns two gulets and provides custom charters between Bodrum and Antalya aboard yachts with every modern convenience. Vessel details and services offered.


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Agency specialized in cabin and crewed yacht charters. Vessel listings, itineraries, rates and other services offered. Fehiye.


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 49 - Echo Cruises Browse Website open in new window
Cuckfield, United Kingdom based company organising private cruises aboard traditional gulets along the Lycian coastline. Vessel listings, terms and contact form.


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 50 - Novella Yachting Browse Website open in new window
Crewed motor-sailer gulet charters in Turkey.


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