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CL model site by Göran Olsson from Stockholm, Sweden.

Dedicated to the life of Jim Walker and his American Junior Aircraft Company. Developer of the U-Control system of Control Line flying still in use today.

Makers of PAW diesel engines for model airplanes and other types of precision engineering. Product line data, contacts, tips/FAQs, photos, and related links.

Information, announcements, and tutorials.

 5 - U-Control 2000 Browse Website open in new window
All controline website with 600+ plans catalog, photo galleries, free downloads, and related links.

Information about the CL carrier deck event and also items of more general aeronautical interest.

This page is intended to list as many sites that have to do with C/L as is possible.

The intention here is to bring you up to date news of all things to do with control line with perhaps an emphasis on Vintage Stunt, the trailing edge of technology.

Information and photos of the '99 East Coast super slow combat champs at this CL site.

Provides an introduction and detailed look at the many facets of the sport, especially the design and construction of combat airplanes.

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