Located in Santa Cruz, California. Newcomer info, meetings, cooking workshops, articles (tablet weaving, advice on going to Pennsic). Links (literature, name research, Scottish and Viking resources).
Contains event information, upcoming competitions, legends of the Principality, past rulers, officers, laws, local groups, and a link to the mailing list.
Located in San Francisco, California. Includes a local calendar of events, a roster of active members and officers, an on-line newsletter, and directions to meetings/fighter practice.
Located in Napa, southwest Solano and east Sonoma counties, California. Contains articles and links on arts and sciences, heraldry, and combat; also contains calendar of events, officer list, and picture gallery.
Located in eastern San Mateo county, California. Includes an officer list, member information, upcoming events, meeting minutes, photo gallery, links, and contact information.