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 Recreation » Aviation » Model Aviation » Radio Controlled » Soaring » Software

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This Java application computes the lift and Cl distribution over a wing, with sweep and twist.


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Mark Drela's XFOIL low Rn airfoil design and analysis code. Great analysis code for soaring airfoils. Requires UNIX, links to source code.


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Wing design and airfoil analysis software. Linair is good for evaluating wing planforms.


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 4 - Martin Hepperle Browse Website open in new window
Various codes for analyzing airfoils and coordinate conversions.


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Aerodynamics software for Windows 95. Test airfoils, learn aerodynamics, plot airfoil sections for model airplane constructions.


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 6 - Compufoil Browse Website open in new window
Advanced airfoil plotting and editing software. Plots full sets of ribs, foam templates, modifies airfoils.


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Group discussions on using the XFOIL airfoil design code.


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 8 - Profili 2 Browse Website open in new window
A freeware-shareware software for wing airfoils managing, drawing, and analysis.


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 9 - Software Review Browse Website open in new window
Aircraft design software at Virginia Tech.


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A software specially designed to help modelers to create airplanes. It supplies a three-dimensional visualization of the model you are designing.


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