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 Recreation » Aviation » Model Aviation » Radio Controlled » Soaring » Software

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This form uses JavaScript to compute properties related to the 1976 standard atmosphere up to 230, 000 ft. The computations require Netscape 2.0, or later.


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Physical and temperature conversions. English units of mass, weight and force are Avoirdupois; metric units are International metric.


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Free software that will perform all needed tasks to setup and run a F3J competition.


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Computes important flight parameters based on your design input.


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Software that will help you in the conception of the wings of your planes, or gliders.


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A wing efficiency program written in Java, which can be run directly from the Net. Your browser must support Java applets.


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 27 - Pilot Partner Browse Website open in new window
Completely customizable software. Track all of the following: day/night currency, instrument currency, medical expiration, flight review duration, classes and types of aircraft, and flight conditions.


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 28 - Wing-Analysis Browse Website open in new window
Combines several wing-analyses, such as MAC, lift-distribution and bending-moment evaluation, into a single, web-based application.


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Used in preliminary design on triple tapered vacuum bagged wings for weight and strength estimation.


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