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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Cocktails

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   57 Back to Cocktails Home 

 21 - Bar-None Drinks Browse Website open in new window
Recipes for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, drinking games, user forums, and mixing tips.


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 22 - Science of Drink Browse Website open in new window
Features recipes with picture instructions, cocktail comparisons and histories. Also available in Russian.


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 23 - Mix Up The Party Browse Website open in new window
Drink recipes utilizing Rose's drink mix products, and several themes for party planning.


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Parent organization for bartenders' guilds around the world. Includes recipes and news about competitions around the world.


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Articles and chat about women, cocktails and their history.


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 26 - Drinknation.com Browse Website open in new window
Collection of mixed drink recipes, including a cocktail browser, search by ingredient, martini section, bartending info and drink recipe forums. Weekly feature recipes with accompanying pictures.


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Bartending news and events, bartender profiles, a featured recipe of the month and a collection of organic recipes.


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 28 - Martinis Online Browse Website open in new window
Collection of martini recipes and general martini information including beginner's tips, FAQ and a glossary of terms.


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 29 - Cocktail : UK Browse Website open in new window
Recipes, bartending advice, discussion forum and a shop.


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 30 - Whisky Magazine Browse Website open in new window
Whisky based cocktail recipes. News, forums and information on the whisky industry.


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