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 Recreation » Food » Drink


Alcopops (9) Beer (1875) Cider (23)
Cocktails (57) Coffee (73) Collecting (46)
Drinking (8) History (3) Kvas (3)
Liquor (469) Making (9) Malternatives (9)
Mead (31) Sake (24) Soft Drinks (32)
Tea (41) Wine (4326)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   21

 1 - The Pour Browse Website open in new window
New York Times wine critic discusses the business of wine, beer, and spirits.


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 2 - Tastings Browse Website open in new window
The journal of the Beverage Testing Institute. Reviewing thousands of wines, beers and spirits each year, and a searchable database with thousands of links to wineries, breweries and distilleries.


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 3 - Lyke 2 Drink Browse Website open in new window
Drinks journalist Rick Lyke offers news and commentary on beer, wine and spirits as well as details of travels to breweries, wineries, and distilleries.


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Weekly articles, expansive directory of related sites, and reference guide with recipes, tutorials, espresso machine advice, health information, and glossary.


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Bar reviews, bars by category and relevant articles.


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 6 - Art of Drink Browse Website open in new window
Bartender Darcy O'Neil offers commentary and tips on the art of mixology, wine, beer, and bartending.


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 7 - Barleyvine Browse Website open in new window
Blog on wine and beer.


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 8 - Bar Stories Browse Website open in new window
A former bartender shares stories, recipes, and observations.


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Mineral waters from all over the world are described in detail and their contents discussed. Includes consumer ratings.


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Reviews of beers, wines, liquors, liqueurs and alcohol-related books and items.


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