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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Coffee

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   49 Back to Coffee Home 

 11 - INeedCoffee.com Browse Website open in new window
Coffee information featuring articles on roasting, brewing, history, business, and recipes.


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Photographic tour looks at coffee's origins and how it spread, where it is grown, harvested, and processed, and what roasting is all about.


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 13 - Koffee Korner Browse Website open in new window
Plenty of coffee related information.


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Interactive cafe and information resource.


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 15 - Coffee Crew.com Browse Website open in new window
Volunteer effort to inform people about coffee in all form and how to prepare.


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 16 - Coffee Kid Browse Website open in new window
Amateur coffee fanaticism. FAQs, reviews, information about vacuum brewing, espresso and hard to find information.


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 17 - The Coffee Break Browse Website open in new window
A public radio report on the origins of the coffee break tells the history of the beverage in rich detail.


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Photographed narrative of a drip coffee maker being disassembled, with repair tips included.


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Geography professor describes field-based course about coffee cultivation and trade.


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Online newsletter with frequent articles about coffee selection, roasting, and health issues.


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