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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Liquor » Brandy » Cognac

 Web Pages    11 - 17   of   17 Back to Cognac Home 

 11 - La Cognathèque Browse Website open in new window
The most Cognac shop in the world, with over 270 varieties.


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Introduction of the company and its vineyards, on-line ordering.


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Producer of de Cognac et de Pineau des Charentes. History of the company and detailed information about their products.


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Description of the company and its products. Includes introduction of the region and suggestions how to enjoy cognac. Also in French.


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 15 - Cognac Otard Browse Website open in new window
Company history and interactive tour around the chateau. Quiz of cognac production, news and visitor tour booking.


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 16 - Giboin Cognac Browse Website open in new window
Includes history of the company and its products. Includes photos. [French, English]


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Cognac producers site. Includes almost all possible information about cognac, from its history to comprehensive list of cognac-producers in France. Also available in French.


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