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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Liquor » Home Distilling

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A manual on distilling alcohol at home: designing and building, or buying a still, preparing the wash, understanding how distillation works, flavouring and aging the spirits.


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Step-by-step guide with photos and diagrams. Also offers versions of the guide for download.


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Describes how to make alcoholic spirits at home.


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Mailing list for the exchange of information and experiences relating to the process of producing alcohol at home, with an emphasis on spirit distillation.


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Home distilling apparatus for distillation of alcoholic spirits.


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 6 - Stillcooker Browse Website open in new window
Describes how to build and operate a still and produce alcohol. Includes diagrams of still designs, photos of historical and modern stills, safety concerns, recipes, and a glossary of related terms.


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A book showing how to make your own still, and distill your own liquor.


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Instruments, knowledge, books, distributors, and links.


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Mailing list for anyone new to distilling to ask questions and share information and techniques.


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