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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Liquor » Rum

 Web Pages    41 - 48   of   48 Back to Rum Home 

Non-commercial. Personal collection, rum lists and photographs of selected rums, reviews.


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 42 - Inner Circle Rum Browse Website open in new window
Produced in Australia. Company website features awards, products, history, and news.


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Site of William Grant & Sons, UK. History and details of their Guyanese (Demeraran) navy rum, and UK distributor list.


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The manufacturer, producer and distributor of Sunset Premium and Sunset Very Strong Rum, Captain Bligh Golden Rum, SLR and Rum Punch. Includes products, recipes, and history.


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Non-commercial. Rum reviews, how to: rum tasting and glasses, rum styles and standards, rum events, history, politics and distillation, links and rum forum.


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Company site. Offers rums from several Caribbean islands, including St. Vincent Sunset Premium and Very Strong Rums, and Clarke's Court Rum (Granada). Includes product information and distributors.


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 47 - Silver Kiss Rum Browse Website open in new window
Distiller site, St. Vincent/Grenadines, producer of Silver Kiss rum, light rum blended with fruits. Describes product, events.


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 48 - Porter's Rum Browse Website open in new window
By Higher Spirits, micro distiller's site, based in Volusia County, Florida. Producer of gold, white, spiced and single barrel rums from molasses. Includes history of company, rum in Florida, production notes.


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