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 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   28

Vin-x is a wine investment specialist. If you are keen about investing in wine ir would like to know more, please visit www.vin-x.com


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 2 - Wineanswers.com Browse Website open in new window
Offers information through FAQs, columns, quizzes, a glossary, and e-mailing the experts directly. Managed by the Wine Market Council, a non-profit US trade organization.


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 3 - Wines.com Browse Website open in new window
A large and rich guide to wine on the internet with columnists like Jerry D. Mead. Message boards and recommendations, lots of links.


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Produces range of wines from California and France, under numerous brand names. Also imports and distributes other brands. Contains brand information, winemaker profiles, and wine notes.


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One of the world's largest producers, with wineries in the United States, Italy, and Australia. Includes information about product lines, awards, and the company.


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Owns properties in France, Chile, and the United States. Contains detailed information about the many brands, including Chateau Mouton-Rothschild, and the company, as well as online sales. [Flash required]


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 7 - Vinopolis Browse Website open in new window
A visitor attraction and events venue dedicated to the whole world of wine. Located in London, UK.


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 8 - Into Wine Browse Website open in new window
Offers expert articles, wine tasting videos, recommendations, an interactive map detailing the wineries of Napa/Sonoma, and community oriented features where users can share and discuss their wine experiences.


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 9 - Grupo Osborne Browse Website open in new window
Makes wines and other food products in Portugal and Spain, including Sherries, Ports, and table wines. Includes product descriptions, as well as profiles of their wineries and company.


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Owns wineries in Australia, the United States, New Zealand, Italy, and France. Features brand profiles, articles, and company information.


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