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 Recreation » Humor » Job-Related


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 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   68

 1 - Simply Fired Browse Website open in new window
True, usually funny or surprising stories about losing a job.


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An animated story of Odd Todd's life after he has been laid off from his job. Includes downloads, personal thoughts, and related links. Tip jar accepts PayPal donations.


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 3 - Waiter Rant Browse Website open in new window
A waiter shares his stories.


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 4 - Don's Boss Page Browse Website open in new window
Hide from your boss with this fake spreadsheet. Stealth surfing tips, and worker-friendly sites.


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A collection of jokes, pranks, scripts, and exectutables about wasting time at work.


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 6 - Corporate Dump Browse Website open in new window
An office aid to wasting company time, featuring humor, games, pictures and a "boss" button.


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Place for wait staff to share their complaints as well as add to a database of bad tippers.


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Provides a full list of rules to observe when riding an elevator.


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Diversions, games, humor and chat aimed at lowering productivity.


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Read, vent or share anonymous work related stories about foolish coworkers and bosses.


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