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 Recreation » Humor » Job-Related

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   68 Back to Job-Related Home 

 21 - JobSchmob Browse Website open in new window
Cartoons, stories and ponderings to do with the workplace. Visitors can share their own stories.


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 22 - Retirement Joke Browse Website open in new window
A small collection of jokes dealing with old age and retirement.


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 23 - Work or Spoon? Browse Website open in new window
Attempting to find the answer to the question - which is more painful, going to work or gouging your eye out with a spoon?


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Read or submit excuses for not going to work, school, being stopped by the police, breaking dates, doctor excuses and other topics.


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How to survive working for a Bonehead Boss.


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 26 - NetSlaves Browse Website open in new window
An e-zine devoted to real-life cubicle warriors.


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 27 - The Covert Comic Browse Website open in new window
CIA-related humor by a true CIA officer.


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 28 - Gone to Blazes Browse Website open in new window
Firefighter jokes and humor and extracts from an upcoming book of firefighter humor.


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 29 - Office Funnies Browse Website open in new window
Share office whines, woes, and frustration. Includes copier madness, a sound-off forum, and harmless software.


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 30 - SlapFish.com Browse Website open in new window
Free de-motivational posters and desktop wallpaper.


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