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 Recreation » Living History » By Historical Region » Europe » Antiquity


Costumes (10) Roman Legions (15)  

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A links collection for Roman reenactment enthusiasts.


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A Hungarian group which re-enacts Roman gladiatorial combats. Includes a history of gladiatorial games, description of the group, reenacting photographs and events. [Hungarian and English]


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 3 - Roman Empire Browse Website open in new window
Roman history celebrated through research, reenactment, and active participation in both SCA and Dagorhir. Resources, reference materials, membership criteria, photographs, and schedule.


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A re-enactor recreating the arms and armor of the hoplite (Greek infantryman) of the era of the Persian Wars (fifth century B.C.E.). Descriptions of arms and armor, bibliography, links and photographs.


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 5 - Roman365 Browse Website open in new window
A portal site for the Roman re-enactor. Roman-era-related links, discussion forums, lists of Roman re-enactor groups.


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A Tübingen, Germany-based group re-enacting a Celtic tribe of the Hallstat era (first to third centuries (B.C.E.)). Photos of re-enactments, schedule of events.


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Tucson, Arizona-based organization of clubs for reenacting the classical Roman period; members information, historical references, message board, available roles.


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 8 - Cantiaci Browse Website open in new window
This living history group has recreated an Iron Age farmstead in the Riverside Country Park, Gillingham, Kent, complete with crafts and plants. Photographs, information for school groups, Beltaine fire festival.


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