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 Recreation » Living History » By Historical Region » Europe


Antiquity (23) Baroque and Enlightenment (13) Costumes (10)
English Civil War (39) Medieval (108) Napoleonic Wars (23)
Renaissance (122) Viking Age (12) World War I (11)
World War II (85)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   11

UK national body that sets safety and professional standards for re-enactment groups. Includes guidance notes.


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A resource for British re-enactors. Includes information on history, costumes and music, events listings, forums and free webspace for re-anactors.


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Dutch re-enactment groups; contact information about each member-group; pictures of multi-period events.


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Dutch Re-enactment society; has several workgroups and periods of re-enacting.


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 5 - Skirmishers Browse Website open in new window
California-based theatrical combat performance group, specializing in Thirteenth through Nineteenth Fight Choreography for events, television, and films.


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A Munich Germany group re-enacting Celts, the Middle Ages, the Napoleonic wars and the American Civil War. Descriptions of units/periods re-enacted, photo-gallery and link list


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Battle re-enactment clan from Limerick, Ireland. Pictures, events, safety rules, kit guide for Celtic clothing and weapons; articles on Celtic myths, knight's armor.


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Not for profit corporation of a hundred performers recreates the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First, using trained actors, authentically recreated costumes and props, and improvisational theatre. Membership information, newsletter, photos, events sche...


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Historical reenactment society is based in the UK and covers 500 to 1600 AD, Dark Ages to shortly before the English Civil War. Membership information and newsletter.


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An English group re-enacting English daily life in the late 16th or late 17th centuries as part of house museum presentations. Description of group, catalogue and photographs of past re-enactments, contact information for prospective members or patrons.


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