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 Recreation » Outdoors » Survival and Primitive Technology


Equipment (29) Firecraft (3) Food Procurement (3)
Organizations (6) Personal Accounts (4) Plant Lore (6)
Schools and Courses (100) Shelters (4) Tools, Weapons, and Equipment Construction (9)
Water Procurement (2)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   29

A to Z list of plants and links to botanical databases compiled by Shunguo Liu.


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 2 - Native Tech Browse Website open in new window
Articles on clay and pottery, leather and clothes, stonework and tools, weaving and cordage, food and recipes.


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A non-profit organization dedicated to the research, practice and teaching of primitive technology, earth skills, wilderness survival and Native awareness.


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Large informational website covering topics like poison ivy, ticks, heat exhaustion, spider bites, and the psychology of survival.


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 5 - Primitive Ways Browse Website open in new window
This site is dedicated to Stone Age technology, atlatl spear throwers, fire by friction, simple kayaks, and bow and arrow.


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 6 - Bushcraft UK Browse Website open in new window
A resource for anyone interested in the outdoors, especially for those involved in bushcraft, fieldcraft, or survival. Provides articles, a forum, and reviews of wilderness survival products.


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Learn about skills such as fire-making, shelter construction, primitive weapons, snaring, survival kits, water procurement, and survival psychology.


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Safety and survival tips and links.


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 9 - Survival Browse Website open in new window
Links to information about wilderness survival and hiking, including survival tips, personal stories, and equipment reviews.


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An illustrated guide to basic skills including travel, food and water, first-aid, and health.


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