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 Recreation » Outdoors » Survival and Primitive Technology

 Web Pages    21 - 29   of   29 Back to Survival and Primitive Technology Home 

 21 - Native Skills Browse Website open in new window
Provides photos and facts about Native American and ancient skills, including primitive archery and flint knapping.


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Published by the United States Army. Features map reading and land navigation, topographic symbols, first aid, survival, evasion and recovery, field hygiene and sanitation, and basic cold weather camping.


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 23 - Simple Survival Browse Website open in new window
Articles by B.L. Benton on many aspects of wilderness survival, including equipment, first aid, procuring food and water, building shelters, navigation, signaling, and making primitive weapons.


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Survival tips and techniques plus information about building an underground shelter.


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Find information concerned with outdoor activities relating to survival, shooting, and plants.


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Features hiking, camping, backpacking and wilderness survival tips, gear tips, information about survival school, hiking locations, photos and contact information.


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Articles on firemaking, cordage, winter camping, and nature lore. Also teaches workshops in outdoors skills.


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Offers wilderness survival kits for all outdoor interests and environments and offers full spectrum survival training from military experts. Includes courses offered, rates, and location in Selmer, Tennessee.


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Provides a collection of survival tips as well as an order form to buy them in hard copy.


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