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 Recreation » Pets » Dogs » Breeds » Molosser Group » Chinese Shar-Pei » Breeders

 Web Pages    11 - 19   of   19 Back to Breeders Home 

 11 - Best Pei Browse Website open in new window
Kennel background, photographs, breed history, and show news. Czech Republic.


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Kennel history, pictures, pedigrees, and litter announcements. Belgium.


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 13 - Meskott Shar Pei Browse Website open in new window
Contains a photo gallery, pedigrees, and litter announcements. Norway. [Norwegian and English]


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Kennel history, care tips, litter announcements, and photographs. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


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 15 - Cascata Rochosa Browse Website open in new window
Kennel history, breed standard, pictures, pedigrees, and breeding plans. Sintra, Portugal. [English and Portuguese].


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 16 - Tempelhundens Browse Website open in new window
Photographs and litter announcements. Located in Malung, Sweden. English and Swedish versions.


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 17 - Altamira Browse Website open in new window
Photograph album, litter announcements, and links. Bucharest, Romania.


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 18 - CJ Kennel Browse Website open in new window
Specializing in flowered dogs. Photographs, pedigrees, and breeding plans. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.


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 19 - Chadson Shar Pei Browse Website open in new window
Contains kennel history, photos, show results and pedigrees. Alicante, Spain. [English and Spanish]


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