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 Recreation » Pets » Dogs » Breeds » Spitz Group


Ainu Dog (3) Akita (98) Alaskan Husky (1)
Alaskan Klee Kai (29) Alaskan Malamute (116) American Eskimo (42)
American Indian Dog (2) Breeders (17) Canadian Eskimo Dog (1)
Chinese Foo Dog (2) Chinook (8) Chow Chow (63)
Clubs (1) Eurasier (4) Finnish Lapphund (7)
Finnish Spitz (16) German Spitz (12) Greenland Dog (2)
Hokkaido (3) Iceland Sheepdog (13) Inuit Sled Dog (4)
Jamthund (2) Japanese Spitz (7) Kai (3)
Karelian Bear Dog (3) Keeshond (93) Kishu (1)
Korean Jindo (5) Laika (2) Lapponian Herder (5)
Norbottenspitz (1) Norwegian Buhund (5) Norwegian Elkhound (11)
Norwegian Lundehund (3) Pomeranian (96) Pungsan
Rescues and Shelters (41) Samoyed (93) Schipperke (27)
Seppala Siberian Sleddog (11) Shiba Inu (54) Shikoku (1)
Siberian Husky (324) Swedish Vallhund (21) Volpino Italiano (4)

 Web Pages    1 - 4   of   4

 1 - Spitz Breeds Browse Website open in new window
Dog Infomat presents the Spitz-type breeds of Germany, Italy, China and Japan.


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 2 - Spitz Breeds Browse Website open in new window
Scroll past Dingo/Pariah to Spitz group, from Primitive and Aboriginal Dog Society.


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The spitz type is sometimes called "primitive" because it is close to the original body form of the domestic dog. Spitz breeds are characterized by an overall wolf like appearance with the modification of a tail carried tightly erect and curled over t...


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Links to sites about Spitz-type dogs.


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