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 Recreation » Pets » Fish and Aquaria » Freshwater » Species » Labyrinth Fishes » Bettas

 Web Pages    21 - 28   of   28 Back to Bettas Home 

 21 - VangBettas Browse Website open in new window
Breeder of plakats. Website includes information on care, breeding, FAQs, and also features a photo gallery.


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Information on raising and breeding, games, and photos.


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 23 - Jeremy's Bettas Browse Website open in new window
A site logging experiences in keeping and breeding Betta Splendens. Includes photos and video.


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 24 - Betta Listserv Browse Website open in new window
Includes an FAQ, and articles on care, diseases and breeding.


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Articles cover betta history, care, gender classification, breeding and raising fry, color and fin forms, and diseases.


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 26 - The Betta Column Browse Website open in new window
Provides insight into the history and domestication of the species. Care, breeding, and fry rearing sections.


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This ring is designed to link together active betta splendens websites, from the most informative to small, personal ones.


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Includes an FAQ, help guides, photos, and links. Covers live foods and cultures, breeding, water conditions, and general care.


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