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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Boatanchors » Homebrew

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Vintage radio in Argentina. Warning - site plays Dixie in midi and has annoying pop-ups.


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For radio enthusiasts interested in building and using the popular HBR tube receivers published in QST articles in the late 50s and 60s


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AB0CW, Mark Dittmar shows us how he built this 80m CW transmitter.


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W0HIO has this neat old 40m AM rack that is ready to be restored. Lots of interesting pictures.


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From AK0B's Glowbug and Homebrew Radio pages. Pictures, article and schematic. Neat little Jones triode oscillator rig.


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Detailed HF amp design, and radio modifications information.


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Automatic schematic making web-based program you can use for free on-line and then print out your schematic or save it to a file. Includes various tube symbols.


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Online catalog of ham radio transformers and other replacement parts.


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 29 - W1FIF, Norm Hunt Browse Website open in new window
BA radio site in Maryland. Includes photos of a 6V6 QRP CW rig built in a cigar box.


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Solid state replacements for vibrators used in old military radio power supplies. Universal inverter power supply by Dennis Starks.


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