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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Software


Directories (3) Meteor Scatter (11) Morse Code (27)

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Design of transmission and reception block schemes software. Provided with examples of applications.


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Manual for getting started with VOACAP, an ionospheric prediction program.


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 3 - Audiocorder Browse Website open in new window
Turn your Mac into a VOX operated audio recorder. Perfect for unattended recording of stations.


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Macintosh software, specializing in the fields of amateur radio, scientific applications, and health and nutrition.


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HF communications analysis and radio related software and prediction tools for amateurs and communications professionals.


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 6 - Nu Software Browse Website open in new window
Educational and utility software for radio amateurs. NuMorse, NuTest and other ham programs are available for download.


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 7 - Win-Test Browse Website open in new window
Contest logging software. Includes FAQ and testimonials.


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Hardware and software open source project about the use of software defined radio for amateur radio (HAM).


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Software to automate and animate your antenna modeling and propagation predictions. Has built-in links to the public domain NEC-2 and VOACAP engines.


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 10 - N1MM Logger Browse Website open in new window
A free, open source contest logging program.


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