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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Software

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Control application for the AOR 8200 MkI and MKII Radio.


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Windows based contest logging software for amateur radio operators


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Offers discussion board, software to download and active news channels.


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Jim Roop provides E-layer propagation assessment software.


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Control your OMNI VI+ with your PC from CAT564, an on going software development. Freeware and Shareware features. Exciting new ideas being explored such as CAT564 working with DigiPan and SSTV programs. By Art Harding, K5YEF.


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Icom control software for the CIV/CT-17. Has advanced scanning, logging and control abilities. Multiple skins available for just about any Icom radio. Additional skins can be added by the user.


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Straightforward logger for field days and contests. Free Download.


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 78 - IRC Software Browse Website open in new window
Software and cables for Icom radio control. Download.


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Uses wireless networking to synchronize log databases across all stations. Includes technical information and download.


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 80 - HamAlyzer Browse Website open in new window
Fast, single-channel FFT-based audio spectrum analyzer developed for HAM radio.


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