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 Recreation » Travel » Specialty Travel » Arts » Music

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Tour operator that helps amateur performance groups with their choir tours, band tours or orchestra tours. Based near Stratford, England and specialises in European music tours.


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 2 - Panorama Tours Browse Website open in new window
In Salzburg, based on the movie - The Sound of Music. Also has Mozart based city tours. [English/German]


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Touring company specializing in music groups. Handles the needs of major symphony orchestras and choruses of all sizes.


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 4 - Heidpark Browse Website open in new window
Organizes trips to musicals in Germany, England and Austria, including hotel and travel arrangements. [English/German]


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 5 - Ellison Tours Browse Website open in new window
Music festival and performance tours to Canada, the United States and Europe. Providing tour planning for music groups.


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Music tours highlight excursions around New York City visiting Harlem, Greenwich Village, and area jazz clubs.


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Performing arts tours around the world for opera, theater, dance and music enthusiasts. Group and educational tour options.


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Music travel experiences are their sole focus, creating festivals and performing tours to meet the needs of schools, churches, community groups, and adult folk arts groups.


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 9 - Charter Travel Browse Website open in new window
Customized tours for singing groups, with venues in Great Briton, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Sample itineraries.


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Offers specialized travel tours for music lovers in both North America and Europe.


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