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New Zealand based tour company features opera tours to Italy, Australia and New Zealand.


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 12 - Choir-Travel.com Browse Website open in new window
Individually arranged journeys for choirs and orchestras including opportunities to perform and get together with other choirs. Destinations worldwide, based in Germany.


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 13 - HAT Tours Ltd. Browse Website open in new window
European opera tour itineraries for travel and holiday plans across Europe to music houses and performances. Contact information for the United States, Denmark, and England.


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 14 - Morgan Tours Browse Website open in new window
Specializing in cultural tours abroad and in North America. Site provides upcoming tours list, destinations planner, mailing list and company profile information. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


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 15 - Joe Fish Tours Browse Website open in new window
Information about country music tours to Nashville, Memphis Denver, and Kentucky from the United Kingdom.


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