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 Recreation » Travel » Specialty Travel » Volunteering

 Web Pages    31 - 40   of   133 Back to Volunteering Home 

Serve the homeless, the unemployed, refugees, people with AIDS, the elderly, street youth, abused women and children, the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled.


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 32 - United Planet Browse Website open in new window
An international non-profit with members and programs in over 100 countries.


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Exchange program for students in the U.S.A. and 30 other countries. School year and short-term programs are described, including information on how to become a host family.


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International volunteering organization supporting conservation initiatives in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Includes training and projects.


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Worldwide volunteer placement for generalists in short term 2 week workcamps and long term 3-12 month social service or non profit community grassroots projects. SCI is based in Seattle, Washington.


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 36 - CharityFocus Browse Website open in new window
Non-profit organization, located in Artesia, CA. serving South Asian residents of Southern California. Learn about the services and programs.


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 37 - Ecovolunteer Browse Website open in new window
Gives volunteers the opportunity to protect nature and its inhabitants by helping local organizations with their conservation projects.


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Offers faith-based volunteer opportunities for men and women with varying skills, to help others in need of volunteer service. Database of short and long-term opportunities, in US and abroad.


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A quasi-governmental body that functions as a local administration of its District, initiating, planning and managing community programmes. Information about its various services (jobs, social assistance, skills upgrading, healthcare) and even how you...


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Responding to Christ's call to confront injustice, its members attempt to bring the redemptive love of God to violent situations through direct, personal involvement. FAQ, calendar, history and mission, and action alerts.


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