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 Recreation » Travel » Specialty Travel » Volunteering

 Web Pages    71 - 80   of   133 Back to Volunteering Home 

 71 - Casa Xelaju Browse Website open in new window
A socially-responsible educational institute in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala promoting cross-cultural understanding. Includes cultural programs, social projects, internship program, volunteer work and travel services.


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Rainforest trekking, whitewater rafting, Spanish language study, kayaking, scuba diving, and study abroad for university credit. (San Jose, Costa Rica)


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A UK registered charity that runs the Mvog-Betsi zoo and Mefou National Park in Cameroon, in conjunction with the Cameroon government.


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 74 - CISV Canada Browse Website open in new window
Contact information and news from the organization.


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Offer religious volunteer youth opportunities abroad. Based in Elgin, Illinois.


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 76 - Volunteer Africa Browse Website open in new window
Get information and advice on volunteering in Africa. Recruits volunteers for community projects of 1-3 months in rural Tanzania.


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A marine conservation organisation working to protect sea turtles and the marine environment through conservation, research, education, campaigning and community development. Offers news, events, links, and information.


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Voluntary organisation for conservation education and the rescue of animals orphaned or confiscated from poachers. Formerly Entebbe Zoo.


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 79 - Help Exchange Browse Website open in new window
Volunteer work in exchange for free accommodation and food (bed and board) in Australia, New Zealand and Europe on farms, backpacker hostels, lodges and other properties.


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 80 - Wild at Heart Browse Website open in new window
Youth safari adventures in Zambia. Includes wildlife and community volunteering opportunities.


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