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 Recreation » Antiques » Medical and Scientific

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   41 Back to Medical and Scientific Home 

Collection includes images and descriptions of stethoscopes and other medical items.


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 12 - MedicalAntiques Browse Website open in new window
Educational site for collectors and those interested in antique medical, surgical, and bloodletting instruments.


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Dr. Michael Echols presents information on Civil War surgical sets with numerous photos of a large collection of American made surgical sets. Identification, pricing, and set evaluations provided at no charge.


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 14 - Allan Wissner Browse Website open in new window
Buyer of antique microscopes presents articles, photographs, and list of patents.


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Information and photos of American made surgical and amputation sets made between 1800 and 1870. Detailed data on Civil War surgical sets as well as advice on how to collect and price medical antiques.


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A collection of cathode ray tubes (CRTs), x-ray tubes, camera tubes and other electronic glassware, with information about the history of old physics equipment and links to other sites with shared interests.


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Complete articles are posted from the journal, American Artifacts, on early microscope makers, hand corn shellers, early surveying instruments, a variety of quack medical devices, as well as information on early patents.


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Curious Science is a specialist dealer in medical, scientific and curiosity antiques from around the world. The shop is located in Fulham, London, UK.


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Provides information on antique spectacles, eyeglasses, monocles, pince nez and lorgnettes. Also includes a virtual spectacles museum.


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Both a retail store and scientific and natural history museum specialising in medical and scientific instruments, natural history specimens and models. The website posts a news page every month.


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