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 Recreation » Antiques » Medical and Scientific

 Web Pages    31 - 40   of   41 Back to Medical and Scientific Home 

English seller and repairer consistent with the original specifications of the device.


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Austrian dealer of antique medical and scientific instruments including globes.


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A collection of medical instruments used in anesthesia and gynecology with a section on medical electricity. (In Italian, French and English)


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 34 - Alan Walker Browse Website open in new window
Photographs of a collection of stick barometers and wheel barometers, with details of their dates and history. Restoration and sales offered.


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A resource site for the antique weights formerly used by apothecaries, chemists, druggists and pharmacists. Most British weights of the 19th and 20th centuries illustrated and described. A forum for exchange of information and discussion


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A Canadian specialist in antique scientific and medical instruments since 1984.


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Buying, selling, repair, and restoration of antique mercurial and aneroid barometers, clocks and watches. Also restore other types of antiques. Includes examples of stock. Located in Leominster, England.


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Manufacturers and suppliers of barometer parts mercury tubes and thermometers for the repair and restoration of antique and modern barometers.


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Sells antique bottles, old chemist and pharmacy supplies, labels, prints and oddities from the bygone apothecary.


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A collection of antique tickertape machines which details the histors of Wall Street and the stock market.


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