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 Recreation » Antiques » Medical and Scientific

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Eye antiques display items from the ophthalmic past including glasses spectacles, ophthalmoscopes, microscopes, and eye exam items.


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A Kunstkammer collection of 'curiosities and wonders', where Renaissance and Baroque art meet science. Objects made from a variety of exotic materials are displayed with accompanying educational text.


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Images of medicine-makers advertising cards.


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Galleries of scales, weights, and measures. Scale tutorial, membership information and application.


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Historical instruments of science and technology, for sale, repaired, and bought, for collectors, museums, awards for scientific achievements, replications for historical research and scientific movie props.


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 26 - Ars Machina Browse Website open in new window
Buys and sells antique brass microscopes and telescopes. Credit Cards accepted.


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 27 - Le Saint Georges Browse Website open in new window
Antique dealer specialised in scientifics instruments, globes and planetarium, sundials and microscopes.


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Brass microscopes, optical and other scientific instruments, books about microscopes and microscopy.


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Collector selling collection of antique and nearly antique scientific instruments.


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 30 - M&R Gordon Browse Website open in new window
Dealers in antique medical and dental instruments and related material for collectors.


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