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 Recreation » Collecting » Stamps » Collectors

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   55 Back to Collectors Home 

Displays collection of postal issues and cancellations of Imperial China.


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 22 - Philosateleia Browse Website open in new window
Displays images of U.S. issues, offers free album pages, and provides list of items for trade.


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 23 - Imnaha Stamps Browse Website open in new window
Seeks to explore the area of Vietnamese Military Mail, and provides a reference of Viet Minh overprints on the issues of Indo-China.


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 24 - Jesuit Stamps Browse Website open in new window
Displays issues that feature priests, institutions, and related subjects.


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Provides a reference of Dutch fiscal issues. Includes images and information about individual issues.


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Stamp collector's web pages featuring stamps and postal history related to the Second World War, and the history of commercial aviation.


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 27 - Austria Stamps Browse Website open in new window
Displays images of some European postage issues and covers.


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 28 - Althinkart Browse Website open in new window
Collector shares images of worldwide issues and select covers.


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 29 - Sheryll Oswald Browse Website open in new window
Exhibits issues of New Hebrides and provides information regarding the pitfalls of purchasing classics on auction sites.


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Enthusiast shares personalized U.S. stamps picturing own cars and other means of transportation.


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