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Product offerings, reviews and newsletter from this small operation in Langley, close to Vancouver.


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 12 - Wellbrook Winery Browse Website open in new window
Turn-of-the-century heritage farm in Delta offers fruit wines. News and event information, wine descriptions and ordering.


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A family-run winery located in the southern Okanagan Valley, producing estate-grown Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and sparkling wines, among others. Notes on geography and location.


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Located in a vineyard setting north of Kelowna; one of the oldest estate wineries in BC. Events calendar, awards list, and ordering information.


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Young operation near Oliver producing a Bordeaux-style blend and a dessert wine. Product and order information.


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Located on Black Sage Road in Oliver. Offers tour information, wine list, news and events.


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Situated west of Okanagan Falls. Site offers photo album, winery history, winemaking information and wine list.


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 18 - La Frenz Winery Browse Website open in new window
Located in Penticton, on the Naramata Bench. Offers information on the winemaker, awards, reviews, events, and ordering options.


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Small winery in Naramata. Wines list, order form and wine locator, photo album and recipes.


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Southern Okanagan Valley producer offers photos and information about vineyard and wines, including tasting notes, ordering information, and restaurant info.


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