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Family-run winery in Niagara-on-the-Lake offers a history, awards, and product list. Selection of reds, whites, icewine, and fruit wines.


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 12 - Lailey Vineyard Browse Website open in new window
Family-run vineyard and winery in the Niagara region, offering a range of red and white varietals, and icewines. Information about ordering wine, the winery and vineyard, events listings, and restaurants.


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St. Catharines estate with a selection of red, white, and icewines made exclusively from local grapes. Offers wine and award listings, vintage reports, history, along with tours, events, and distribution information.


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 14 - EastDell Estates Browse Website open in new window
Winery, store, and bistro in Beamsville offering tastings, tours, dining, and event services. Details the busy event schedule, wine list, wine education information, and a description of the facilities.


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Family-run vineyard and winery producing estate wines in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Contains a history, explanation of the VQA designation, vertical tasting notes, and product, award, and event listings.


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Non-profit organization promoting the exploration of the province's wines. Includes membership information, event listings, winery links, and a newsletter.


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Makers of fashionable red and aromatic white wines in Jordan Village, Niagara West. Detailed descriptions of the vineyards and wines, and an events listing.


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Maker of Germanic white wines, and complex reds, including a signature riesling, late harvest wines and icewines. Located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, includes tours, events, wine listings, and a family history.


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Produces Chardonnay, Cabernet and Merlot on the Beamsville Bench. Open for tours and tastings.


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Producer of wines in the Italian style using local and imported grapes. Located in the Lake Erie North Shore wine region.


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