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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Education

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Offers single-session classes and certificate programs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Includes class descriptions, schedules, prices, and a newsletter.


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Non-profit organization provides educators with professional and certification standards. Includes information about membership, certification programs, and an annual conference.


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An independent organization based in Chicago, Illinois. Features information on courses and seminars, including dates and pricing.


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New York-based school offers classes and home study for accreditation by the Wine and Spirit Education Trust. Includes course descriptions and instructor profiles.


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Independent, professional educators in the United Kingdom offer courses, tastings, seminars, and holidays. Includes a member directory, event listings, and articles.


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Offers classes and tastings in and around London, UK. Includes course descriptions and schedules, reviews, and reports from trips to wine regions.


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 7 - Eddie Osterland Browse Website open in new window
America's first Master Sommelier hosts seminars and corporate events. Includes program descriptions, a list of clients, and some free online lessons [requires Flash].


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The oldest wine teaching organization in the United States, located in New York City. Contains membership information, course descriptions, tasting notes from recent events, and job listings.


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Offers educational guided tastings in Ontario. Contains tasting notes, a newsletter, and informative articles.


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Offers courses and tastings in the San Francisco, California area. Includes class descriptions, enrollment forms, and a profile of the instructor.


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