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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » France » Bordeaux

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   32 Back to Bordeaux Home 

 21 - Chateau Segonzac Browse Website open in new window
Vineyard created in 1887 by Jean Dupuy, France's Agricultural Minister from 1889 to 1902. Produces Premières Cotes-de-Blaye. Contains descriptions of the wines and vineyard, along with published reviews.


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Premières Cotes de Bordeaux producer. Includes descriptions of the winery and the vineyards.


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 23 - Chateau Carignan Browse Website open in new window
Built in 1452 on the site of a Roman villa and a 13th century domain.


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 24 - Chateau Moncets Browse Website open in new window
Appellation Lalande de Pomerol. includes news, history, and wines.


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Expression de Fronsac is an association of fourteen estate owners who make wines in appellation Fronsac and Canon Fronsac.


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Producer whose brands include Chateau Florimond, Chateau Haut-Chardon, and Chateau Haut-Peyredoulle. Includes product descriptions, online ordering, and a company overview. [Flash required]


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Producer in the Cotes de Castillon. Contains information about the region and the vineyard. Pictures.


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Located at Saint Pierre de Bat, in the Entre Deux Mers region.


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Premières Cotes de Blaye appellation red wine. Features wines, history, and location.


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Small Fronsac estate owned by Anna and Jacques Favier. Includes product details, information about the estate, and a description of the region.


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