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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Germany

 Web Pages    41 - 44   of   44 Back to Germany Home 

 41 - Weingut Klumpp Browse Website open in new window
Family-run producer of organic whites and reds. Includes descriptions of product lines, ordering [German only], events, excerpts of reviews, and a company overview.


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Family wine estate in the Palatinate city of Neustadt presents its product selection, information about the grape varieties used, a winery history and a photo gallery.


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 43 - Weingut Wittmann Browse Website open in new window
Family-owned organic winery in Westhofen, Rheinhessen, offering table, dessert and sparkling wines. Includes information about their products, vineyards, grapes, and company.


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Producer of table, dessert, and sparkling wines located in Bad Dürkheim, Pfalz. Includes a product list, awards, history, and a company overview. Also offers lodging.


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