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Argentina (1) Australia (20) Austria (2)
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 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   37

Robin Garr's favorite links, complete with insightful descriptions.


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Information on a range of subjects, and links with reviews.


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 3 - The WineWeb Browse Website open in new window
Lists wineries in a searchable database, with contact information and links. Online ordering available from some wineries.


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 4 - BlueWine.com Browse Website open in new window
Searchable, categorized list of sites with descriptions. Also has some links to beer and spirits sites.


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Provides a large list of categorized links, with some descriptions.


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 6 - Wein-Plus Browse Website open in new window
Wine expert, journalist, and author Markus Hofschuster, rates and tastes new wines daily. Focuses mostly on German wines but has sections on other countries. Includes wine guides by country and a forum.


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 7 - Vinimarket.com Browse Website open in new window
Directory of producers with detailed information. Also contains wine news.


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Links to thousands of non-commercial sites, categorized by subject and geographical area.


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Short link list with descriptions.


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Index to Internet websites, mailing lists and discussion groups gateways on wines, beers and spirits. Maintained by Dean Tudor.


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