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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Italy » Veneto

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Verona winery whose products include Amarone, Soave, Bardolino, and Valpolicella. Also makes the Cecilia Beretta brand. Includes product descriptions, a company overview, and recipes.


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 2 - Villa Sandi Browse Website open in new window
Producer of wines in Crocetta del Montello. History and description of the vineyards, products and events.


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Producer of sparkling wines and grappa from Venice. Includes product descriptions, a company history, and a newsletter.


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Winery located in the Prosecco region of Treviso, producing red, white and sparkling wines. Includes product descriptions, a company overview, and pictures. [Flash required]


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 5 - Cantina Pavan Browse Website open in new window
Veneto producer of red, white, and sparkling wines.


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 6 - La Gioiosa Browse Website open in new window
Winery in the hills of Treviso. Includes company overview, product details, news, guestbook and contact information.


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 7 - Cantina Salatin Browse Website open in new window
Wine producer in Cordignano. Photographs and details of both the farm and the wines.


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