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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Italy

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 11 - La Marca Browse Website open in new window
Winery located in Oderzo, northeastern Italy, producing red, white and sparkling wines including Pinot Grigio and Spumante.


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Producer of red wines and white wines in Verona, Italy.


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 13 - Benito Ferrara Browse Website open in new window
Campania winery producing Greco di Tufo. Includes descriptions of wines, pictures of the vineyards, and a list of distributors.


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D.O.C. Cilento (Campania). The vines actually cultivated are: Fiano, Malvasia, Trebbiano, Aglianico, Piedirosso, Barbera and Sangiovese. Product descriptions, pictures, and award list.


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 15 - Rosa del Golfo Browse Website open in new window
Produces red, white, and rose wines from Salento (Apulia). Includes information about their products, grapes, and vineyards.


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 16 - Casata Monfort Browse Website open in new window
Produces red, white, sweet and sparkling wines, all Trentino D.O.C. Includes information about the products, owners, and company.


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Quality wines and sparkling wines like prosecco of Valdobbiadene.


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 18 - La Costa Browse Website open in new window
Located in the village of Cortelà di Vo' near Padova. Produces Cabernet Franc, Merlot and other DOC wines. Site has product and company information as well as a map.


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 19 - Pirovano Winery Browse Website open in new window
Produces a selection of wines ranging from classic to sparkling, white, red, and rose.


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Produces the Il Corbollaro, Le Muse, and Casa Vinicola Danese brands in the province of Verona. Includes product descriptions and a company overview.


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