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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » New Zealand


Auckland (26) Canterbury (7) Central Otago (43)
Events (1) Gisborne (7) Guides and Directories (16)
Hawkes Bay (45) Magazines (1) Marlborough (80)
Martinborough (33) Nelson (17) Waiheke Island (12)
Waikato and Bay of Plenty (3)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   19

 1 - Montana Wines Browse Website open in new window
Makes red, white and sparkling wines. Known as Brancott Vineyards in the USA. Includes product descriptions, staff profiles, an award list and information about production regions.


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New Zealand vineyards and wineries in Marlborough, Gisborne and Hawke's Bay. Wines include Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Franc.


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Large, family-owned winery with vineyards in Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, and Marlborough.


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Produces a range of reds and whites under its own name and the Icon, Orca Bay, Southern Rivers and Five Fathoms brands. Presents product and vineyard information along with a company profile.


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Large family-owned winery with vineyards in Hawkes Bay and Marlborough. Focus on premium and super-premium wines with regional characteristics.


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 6 - Hyperion Wines Browse Website open in new window
An independent, family-owned winery located in Matakana. Dedicated to the production of classic wines from grapes grown exclusively in the Matakana area.


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Vineyards are concentrated in Hawkes Bay and Marlborough. Produces a full range of varietals and blends under several labels. Site provides wine list, where-to-buy information and news.


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 8 - Vilagrad Wines Browse Website open in new window
Founded in 1922; the Waikato region's oldest established winery. Ohaupo vineyard restaurant offers dining, cellar tours, entertainment, and will host weddings and other functions.


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Large producer with properties in Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, and Marlborough. Includes detailed product information, a company overview, and recipes. Owned by Montana Wines.


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Produces wines from single vineyards in three of New Zealand's wine regions. Wines produced are Pinot Noir, Merlot and Gewurztraminer.


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