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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Organizations

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Coalition of consumers and winemakers promoting interstate direct shipping. Includes news, articles and membership information.


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Association of professionals in the wine and restaurant industries, dedicated to increasing wine appreciation. Includes informational articles, tasting notes, and recommended links and books.


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 3 - Rhone Rangers Browse Website open in new window
Non-profit, educational group of consumers and professionals, dedicated to American-grown Rhone grape varieties. Includes information about wines, winery profiles, event calendar, links and membership information.


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Information about the blends made by the association's member wineries.


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Association of fans of German wines. Includes informational articles, maps, an event calendar, and membership details.


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Wine reviews, tips, recipes and free subscription to wine newsletter with selections from wine expert Jim Gabler.


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Society of wine and food enthusiasts. Includes information about membership and wine judging competitions, as well as tasting notes, articles, and event listings.


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Non-profit educational society promoting responsible enjoyment of wine. Includes descriptions of the society and sponsored programs, membership information, and a list of chapters.


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For people who have tried 100 different wine grape varieties, and others interested in the concept. Includes membership information and event listings.


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Independent association of gastronomic enthusiasts, with branches in thirty countries. Includes information about the society and its worldwide activities.


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