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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Personal Pages


Canada (2) Italy (1)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   40

 1 - Dr. Vino Browse Website open in new window
Enthusiast with a Ph.D. in the political economy of the industry offers tasting notes and articles about "wine politics."


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 2 - Dr Bacchus Browse Website open in new window
Opinionated columns, tasting notes, and a virtual wine of the month club. Also includes a categorized list of links.


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Wine and food adventures in San Francisco and around the world.


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 4 - Fermentation Browse Website open in new window
Weblog by Tom Wark, who works in wine public media relations.


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Wine Importer Joe Dressner's unabashed self-promotion site.


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Enthusiast Hannu Lehmusvuori combines tasting and information with art and music. Includes an archive dating to 1997 and a long list of links.


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Hundreds of wine tasting notes as well as gourmet food adventures by a serious Burgundy buff from Israel.


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 8 - Whitley on Wine Browse Website open in new window
Wine news and reviews by wine guru Robery Whitley. Wines are rated and posted weekly.


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 9 - Basic Juice Browse Website open in new window
Literate and irreverent romp through the wine world by an enthusiast and educator.


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Wine and restaurant critic Daniel Rogov offers tasting notes, articles, and food pairing suggestions.


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