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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » Romania


Guides and Directories (2)  

 Web Pages    1 - 4   of   4

 1 - Vincon Vrancea Browse Website open in new window
Produces a range of reds and whites under several brand names. Includes product descriptions and a company profile. Also makes brandy and other alcoholic beverages.


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 2 - Jidvei S.R.L. Browse Website open in new window
Produces a range of white and sparkling wines in the Tarnave region. Includes product information, a company overview, and general information about purchasing and serving wines.


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 3 - Vinterra Browse Website open in new window
Produces the Black Creek, Bucur Villa, and Hariton brands. Contains product descriptions, an award list, and information about local production methods and regions.


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 4 - Phoenix C&C Browse Website open in new window
Brief description of a producer of reds and whites from the Dealul Mare and Recas regions. Sells by the bottle, in bulk, and with private labels.


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