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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » United States » New York » Finger Lakes

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Produces red, white, and blush wines on the east shore of Seneca Lake. Features product descriptions, an order form, a newsletter, and an event calendar. Also offers accommodations.


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 12 - Hosmer Winery Browse Website open in new window
Produces a range of white, red, and dessert wines in Ovid, near Cayuga Lake. Contains product descriptions, ordering information, award lists, and food pairing suggestions.


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Produces a range of reds and whites on Seneca Lake in Himrod. Includes a product list and contact information.


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Produces red, white, and blush wines in Hector. Contains descriptions of current releases and some information about the region. Located in Hector.


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 15 - Lakeshore Winery Browse Website open in new window
Producer of a full range of red and white wines. Open for tastings year-round. Located in Romulus on Cayuga Lake.


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Family-run winery offers Chardonnay, Riesling, Cabernet, Merlot and other varietals, blends and fruit wines. Open to visitors.


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Produces a variety of reds and whites from vinifera and hybrid grapes. Includes descriptions of wines, an order form, and event list. Located on Cayuga Lake in Aurora.


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 18 - Americana Winery Browse Website open in new window
Interlaken producer of red, white, and blush wines. Includes product descriptions, pictures, event listings, recipes, and a company overview.


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Produces a range of reds and whites, and also offers gourmet food products and gifts. Includes product descriptions and online ordering. Located in Naples.


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Overlooking Keuka Lake, and housing almost 80, 000 gallons of stainless steel tanks and 10, 000 gallons of oak barrels.


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