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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » United States » North Carolina

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Produces whites and a red from European and hybrid grapes on Knotts Island. Contains product descriptions, an award list, and a company profile.


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Producer of red, white, and blush wines. Includes product descriptions. Also contains information about available paintings and sculpture.


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Produces a range of reds and whites in Mt. Airy. Provides products, an order form [PDF format], vineyard descriptions, and area information.


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Makes red, white, and blush wines in Burlington. Provides wine list, history, and a photo gallery.


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Grape-growers cooperative making red, white, and blush wines in Mount Airy. Offers product information and online shopping.


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 26 - Martin Vineyards Browse Website open in new window
Produces a variety of grape and fruit wines in coastal North Carolina.


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Produces Chardonnay, Viognier, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot in Tryon. Includes product descriptions and a company history.


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Makes a range of reds and whites in Dobson. Provides product descriptions, an order form [PDF format], history, photos and map.


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 29 - Lu Mil Vineyard Browse Website open in new window
Muscadine producer in Dublin. Provides events, directions, and photos.


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Makes red, white, blush, and fruit wines in Pikeville. Provides a wine list, history, and pictures.


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