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 Recreation » Food » Drink » Wine » United States » Wisconsin

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 21 - Vetro Winery Browse Website open in new window
Makes red, white, and fruit wines in Concord. Includes product descriptions, event listings, and a company profile.


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Makes grape and fruit wines, as well as hard cider, in Chippewa Falls. Includes a product list, online ordering, and a company profile.


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Produces red and white wines in Green Bay. Includes product descriptions, online ordering, event listings, and pictures of the winery.


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 24 - Red Oak Vineyard Browse Website open in new window
Produces red, white, blush, fortified, and fruit wines in Sturgeon Bay. Includes online ordering and an award list.


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Makes grape and fruit wines in Greenleaf. Features online ordering and profiles of the company and owners.


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 26 - Vernon Vineyards Browse Website open in new window
Produces reds and whites in Viroqua. Contains a product list and company profile.


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 27 - Brigadoon Winery Browse Website open in new window
Produces red, white, dessert, and fruit wines in Tripoli. Contains product descriptions and event listings.


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Fountain City producer that uses locally grown grapes and fruit. Includes a product list, company profile, and information about their cottages and lodges.


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Makes red, white, blush, and fruit wines in Port Washington. Also allows customers to make their own wines. Includes product descriptions and a company profile.


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Makes traditional hard ciders, meads, and country wines in Bayfield. Includes a company history and staff profiles.


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