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 Recreation » Guns » Organizations » North America » United States

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Manages a variety of programs designed to promote understanding of, and more active participation in, the shooting sports.


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Everything firearm related. Includes information on Second Amendment rights, NRA Training and Education, Politics and Legislation pertaining to gun rights.


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Promotes the development of state-of-the-art target shooting facilities/entertainment centers and promotes and protects target shooting facilities by providing leadership in information, communication, and partnerships between ranges, industry, and co...


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 4 - Pink Pistols Browse Website open in new window
A shooting group that honors diversity and is open to all shooters. FAQ, email list, and contact information.


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Contains membership details, upcoming meetings, officers listing, pictures, related links, and individual records.


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Firearms rights and pro-liberty organization.


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Defending the interests of gun owners, marksmen, and gamesmen in New York


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All-inclusive shooting/hunting club offering courses in hunting, firearm safety and personal protection. Serving Sportsmen in Blacksburg, VA for over 30 years. 100% NRA affiliated.


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A private gun club, promoting shooting sports and safe gun handling for the entire family. Facilities include indoor range, trap and archery. Programs for all ages. All shooters welcome.


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An organization of firearms owners, collectors, hunters and competitive shooters who work together to promote shooting sports and protect the interest of firearms owners throughout the state.


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